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My daily reflections from the readings of Jesus Calling


August 16, 2016

"I delight in your enjoyment"... There is more to this statement: enjoyment of everything that is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable. Jesus does not want me to wear ashes and sack cloth everyday. He wants me to wear the colors of His Love. Jesus wants me to be happy and enjoy life. And that includes anything and everything that makes me happy (within the realms of His boundaries). Music, nature, art, crafts, writing, cooking, and games. He wants me to laugh, and be as a child.

I remember as a child we played outside from morning till dusk in the summer. We didn't have much to play with. My dad did build a swing set for us. I remember a scooter, wagon and a couple of tricycles in the yard. The swing set sat beside the huge apple tree, which made for easy climbing. We played a lot of pretend games - school, church and store. Jacks and jump rope was a staple for me. The top step going into the house was my favorite place to play Jacks. It was just the right height for me to play Jacks while standing. The jump rope may have been an old piece of clothesline. Running through the sprinklers in the summer provided heat relief.

I really enjoyed thinking back on my childhood playtime just now. And, Jesus likesit that I can look back and relive those moments. I get a lot of enjoyment from old memories. Looking at old black and white photos of my siblings and myself bring back a lot of memories. Sometimes I can look at the picture and remember in detail the colors of the clothes we wore, or the event that happened that day.

Today, I enjoy my time with Jesus too. When I try to meditate and put Him in the picture with me, I can imagine all sorts of conversations with Jesus. God created man to have fun. I know God has a sense of humor too! With all the problems of the world, why would I want to focus on all the mayhem when I could enjoy old memories. Or more importantly, enjoy time with Jesus.

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